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The Risks of Using At-Home IPL Devices

Are At-Home IPL Devices Regulated?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a type of light therapy that uses broad-spectrum light to heat the hair follicles, causing them to weaken and eventually stop growing hair. IPL devices are available for purchase over-the-counter, but there is some debate about whether they are regulated by the FDA.

The FDA's Regulation of IPL Devices

The FDA regulates medical devices, including IPL devices. However, the FDA does not regulate all IPL devices in the same way. Some IPL devices are classified as class II medical devices, which means that they have been shown to be safe and effective for their intended use. Other IPL devices are classified as class I medical devices, which means that they are considered to be low-risk devices that do not require as much premarket review by the FDA.

At-Home IPL Devices

Most at-home IPL devices are classified as class I medical devices. This means that they are considered to be low-risk devices that do not require as much premarket review by the FDA. However, the FDA does have some regulations that apply to at-home IPL devices. For example, at-home IPL devices must be labeled with instructions for use and warnings about potential risks.

Potential Risks of At-Home IPL Devices

There are some potential risks associated with using at-home IPL devices. These risks include:

  • Skin burns: IPL devices can cause skin burns if they are not used properly.

  • Skin pigmentation changes: IPL devices can cause skin pigmentation changes, such as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation.

  • Eye injury: IPL devices can cause eye injury if they are not used properly.

How to Use At-Home IPL Devices Safely

To use at-home IPL devices safely, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. It is also important to test the device on a small area of skin before using it on a larger area. If you experience any pain, burning, or skin irritation, stop using the device and consult with a doctor.


At-home IPL devices can be a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair. However, it is important to use them properly and to be aware of the potential risks. If you are considering using an at-home IPL device, talk to your doctor first.

Here are some additional tips for using at-home IPL devices safely:

  • Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.

  • Test the device on a small area of skin before using it on a larger area.

  • Start with a low intensity setting and gradually increase it as needed.

  • Avoid using the device on areas of skin that are sunburned, irritated, or have any open wounds.

  • Wear protective eyewear when using the device.

  • Stop using the device if you experience any pain, burning, or skin irritation.

With proper use, at-home IPL devices can be a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to use the device safely.

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